john connor
Wow! Richard and Pieter must really have pulled the stops out to get that many put together. Fantastic work, guys. Thanks!
Game speed is not a big issue for me as I usually only play at lowest speed anyway .
Westwall is fine, Daz, and will probably be out in September (my guess). It's KOAD he's asking about. PeterWell I'm not that interested in the East Front Pete.
Besides Dave has already said there are a lot of things that need to be put in place before that theatre is viable.
Demountable units for a start and that means its going to be a log time before them packs will be available.
I would say release the West Wall scenarios now, but make everyone aware of the processor problems by upping the min recommended specs for the scenario pack.
So long as people are aware of the problems they can make an informed choice on whether to risk it or not.
At the end of the day its a no brainer for me, because even if half the scenarios are too slow, one day I will be able to play them once the multi threading has been put in place, so its a kind of an investment for the future lol
"Real time" as in "1 minute per 1 second"?Paul van Doren has also been hard at work revising his Knock on All Doors (KOAD) scenarios. These scenarios often pit an Army against a Corps and so involve many units across bigger map areas than we currently see with other modules. On the plus side there is significantly more scope for operational level decisions. On the down side we are definitely pushing the performance limits of the existing engine. As a result the game speed is less than what we get at the moment. In some of the scenarios, when there is a lot of action, it can slow down to almost real time on slower machines. So these scenarios can take some time to play. But there is a lot going on as you would expect managing an entire Army rather than a Corps. So there is a lot to keep you busy even though the game speed is slower.
I would like to get your feedback on how important the game speed is to you.
D: The worst speed I got when playing army vs army battles was 5s real time per 1m of game time and it was already slow. I think 1m real time per 1m of game time would be pretty unplayable as waiting times for order delays could often extend beyond a single playing sessions, not to mention finishing whole operations could take months or years of playing to finish D: .real time as in 1m of real time = 1m of game time.